July 26, 2021 – PFCU Celebrates 70th with Charity Donations
South Florida Business Journal
July 20, 2021 - South Florida credit union donates thousands of dollars to minority-focused organizations.
Mujeres y Dinero
July 11, 2021 - Wanda Ferrer, vicepresidente ejecutiva y directora financiera de Power Financial Credit Union habla en esta entrevista en Mujeres y Dinero sobre que no debes de quedarte callada ante injusticias y que es muy importante el diversificar tu aprendizaje.
February 1, 2021 - PFCU's Allan Prindle Recognized as One of the South Florida Business Journal’s 2021 “Power Leaders”.
Miami Herald
December 31, 2020 - Power Financial Credit Union President & CEO Allan Prindle quoted in Miami Herald article.
Sun Sentinel
April 22, 2019 - Power Financial Credit Union named Best Mid-size Employer by the Sun Sentinel 2019 Top Workplaces.
Fraudulent Email Notification
Mar 19, 2019 - Fictitious email messages, allegedly initiated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) have been sent to some credit union members.
Power Financial Credit Union Celebrates Double Honors
Sept 26, 2017 - Credit Union Earns 2017 “Best” Rankings for Fourth Consecutive Year and CIO Michelle Diaz Named a Finalist for Chief Information Officer of the Year Award
Sun Sentinel
October 21, 2021 – Hate overdraft fees? This local credit union spares you the cost and headache.
CU Broadcast
October 6, 2021 – 4 Reasons Why Power Financial Credit Union Eliminated All Overdraft Fees
October 4, 2021 – Meet for South Florida Latina leaders: From tellers to executives
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