A credit card should make your purchasing power stronger, easier, and safer. That’s exactly what our VISA® Signature Credit Card does for you. Take advantage of our low introductory rates, free insurance coverage, and no annual fee. But that’s just the beginning of the benefits and perks this card has to offer.
These credit cards reimagine the way rewards and benefits should work! From low APRs to enhanced security safeguards—these cards were built with you in mind.
Manage your PFCU credit card anytime, anywhere. With Card Management, you can easily control your credit card through the Mobile Banking App or Online Banking portal.
–Rosa C., Miami Gardens, FL
Free Travel Cancellation Insurance
Don’t worry about fees if you have to cancel a trip—this card provides free insurance to cover you if you cancel.
Capped Interest Rate
Unlike cards from big banks and retailers, the interest rate is capped at 18.00%.
Auto Collision and Theft Insurance
Enjoy free insurance coverage for auto collision and theft should your car get involved in an accident or be stolen.
Significant Credit Limit
Take advantage of credit available from $5,000 up to $40,000.
Life/Disability Coverage
Protect the people and property you love by leveraging our life and disability coverage.
Extra Card Security
Embedded EMV Chip safeguards your personal and financial data.
Visa Platinum Credit Card
Credit Card Payment Options
Signature Loans
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Offer available for new cardholders only. 1.99% Introductory Balance Transfer Rate will be in effect for 12 months from the date of each qualifying transaction completed within 90 days of account opening. Qualifying new purchases will be 0% APR for the first six months when opening a new Power Financial Credit Union Signature Visa® Credit Card. New purchases qualify based on retailer. Purchases must be made within first six month after the first qualifying transaction date. After introductory period, variable rate APR for unpaid balance and subsequent purchases and for cash advances and balance transfers will range from 14.24% to 18.00% depending on creditworthiness. Rates current as of November 18, 2024 and subject to change. Eligibility for the lowest rate is based on credit worthiness, ability to repay, credit score, and term of loan. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Other conditions may apply. Cash advances, credit card checks, and balance transfers do not earn reward points. After the promotional period, the APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. The credit union reserves the right to change or end promotion at any time. To qualify for benefits of cell phone insurance, cell service provider bill must be billed to a Power Financial Credit Union Visa® Signature Credit Card. The deductible for coverage is $50. Reimbursement for phone replacement or repair may not exceed $250.00 per occurrence with a maximum benefit of $500 per year. To qualify for benefits of rental car insurance, the rented vehicle must have the charge from provider billed to a Power Financial Credit Union Visa® Credit Card. For terms and restrictions for Visa® benefits, please see full details in the Visa® Benefits Information supplied with your credit cards documents.